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Formosa Oolong Tea Set 福爾摩沙禮盒(綠意)

Formosa Oolong Tea Set 福爾摩沙禮盒(綠意)


Formosa Oolong Tea 50g + Red Water Oolong 50g


Formosa Oolong 

An evolved classic.   Fermented and roasted like Dongding oolong but the result is smoother in many aspects as the tea leaves come from a higher mountain in Taiwan.  Every seep provides enough depth that requires the drinker to hold and digest for a good moment. 


Red Water Oolong

A continuation and renovation of oolong tea's original taste, Red Water Oolong is created through sufficient semi-fermentation without roasting. The natural taste of oolong is completely and perfectly preserved in the tea, cultivating the hidden charm and aroma with time.

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